Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dreams, Goals, and To Do Lists

Dreams: These are things you want to achieve. I also include the recognition you hope to obtain. Things like being an "a-lister", having own sitcom, being lead in Broadway production, getting hand prints in that cement thing, being profiled in Vogue and being one of People's sexiest.

Dreams are the show side of an acting career and the acknowledgement of others regarding said career.

Goals: These are what those who are not a Disney Princess need to do to obtain their dreams. Things like taking acting classes, putting together a demo reel, attending industry events, taking care of your product (that's your body), looking for work and being available.

Goals are the business side of an acting career.

I could dream of having my own sitcom all day, but until I take the steps to make it happen it won't. In other words, if I don't do the business part, I won't have much to show for the show part.

To Do Lists: I'm just throwing this one in because, well, it's how my humor works. These are things you simply have to do occasionally (or have someone do for you) such as laundry. It might or might not be acting related. Sometimes you might be putting together wardrobe choices. Other times you might be out of clean underwear.

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